Joining E-mail

(Copy the text below and paste into your mailer, complete and send to the Membership Secretary)

Dear Membership Secretary<>

I/We would like to join the Banbury Historical Society (BHS) and am content for the BHS Committee to retain the following information.

[1] Your full name (both names for a double membership).

[2] Postal Address with postcode.

[3] Telephone number (Landline or mobile).

[4] E-mail address. 

[5] I/We wish to pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order/Cheque (Please delete the inapplicable methods.)

[6] If you are paying by bank transfer, our sort code is 60-01-35 and our account number is 92109489. If paying by Standing Order, please note that annual subscriptions are due by 1st January of each year, and that you will have to modify your Standing Order prior to is execution if the subscription rate changes.

[7] If you are paying by cheque (made out to Banbury Historical Society), please send it, with the data above, to: BHS Membership Secretary, 12 Longfellow Road, Banbury, OX16 9LB.





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