Join the Society

How to join, or renew your subscription to, the Banbury Historical Society.
Members are entitled to attend all of the society’s lectures and to go on all the outings. They receive the Society’s journal when published and a copy of each Records Volume as it appears.  Members also automatically become members of the Oxfordshire Local History Association (OLHA) and of the British Association for Local History (BALH) and can attend all their activities.  Members with email accounts receive regular e-newsletters with updates of the society’s activities and also news of other events which might interest them. These Newsletters are also visible on our Website.

Annual membership currently costs £20 for an individual member or £25 for two members living at the same address (jointly receiving one copy of publications), and £25 for 'overseas' membership.

You can Join the Society by sending an email to the Membership Secretary.
(Click here for a model email which you can copy and paste into your mailer.) This should include: 

[1] Your full name (both names for a double membership),
[2] Postal Address with postcode,
[3] Telephone number (Landline or mobile),
[4] E-mail address,
[5] Whether you will pay by bank transfer or cheque,
[6] Whether you wish Gift Aid to be recovered.

If you are paying by bank transfer,  our sort code is 60-01-35 and our account number is 92109489. 
If you are paying by cheque (made out to Banbury Historical Society), please send it, with the data above, to:

Membership Secretary, Banbury Historical Society, 
12 Longfellow Road, 
Banbury, OX16 9LB.  

Our membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December, but the subscription for new members joining after 1 September covers the 16 months to the end of the following year. 

(Please read our Privacy Policy here).

You can renew your membership by bank transfer as above, in which case please tell the Membership Secretary by email that you have done so. Or you can renew by cheque (as above).

Corporate Sponsors 
Local businesses can become Corporate Sponsors to support the Society and its work.  £50 per year gives you membership, with all the usual benefits, together with your company’s name listed as a supporter in the society’s journal. You will be entitled to nominate two members of your staff to attend the lectures and events and you will receive a signed certificate and if requested, a short history of your premises for an additional fee.

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