
Journal       ●Records Volumes       ●Occasional Publications     ●Online Publications   


Our  Journal, "Cake and Cockhorse", has been published continuously since 1959, since when there have been 193 issues, and more than 600 articles on the history of Banbury and the surrounding area.

The complete  Cake and Cockhorse Archive is available online HERE.

The journal, now appearing annually, goes free to all members (one copy per joint membership).  Recent articles have covered such topics as the sad life of the second Earl of Downe (whose tomb is in Wroxton church), a Victorian recipe book, the pre-enclosure farming of Somerton, and the Victorian Poor in Neithrop (awarded a prize by the British Association for Local History).

Cake & Cockhorse is a good place to start if you are curious about a locality or topic. It is equally stimulating to see what has and what has not been tackled already.

Cake & Cockhorse is edited by Helen Forde, (, who will be delighted to hear of any likely contributions to the journal and will be happy to discuss possible projects and their format. There is scope for full-length articles, for short items, and for anything in between. Advice will be given on our house style and layout.

If anyone would like hard copies of back issues (most of which are available, apart from the 1960s), email who will send these in return for a modest donation that will more than cover p&p (invoiced with supply), plus a modest donation (e.g. £3 per issue; £5 from Vol. 22),

Records volumes

(The full list of records volumes is available here.)

The society has published 37 volumes since 1957. Some make good 'bedside reading', while others are reference works ranging from Banbury’s magnificently detailed parish registers to Victorian diaries, and include parish records from Bodicote, Wigginton, South Newington and Kings Sutton along the way. Current members receive a complimentary copy of each new volume as it is published (one per double membership).

Recent volumes can be bought from the Museum shop; earlier volumes still in print can be ordered from Margaret Little  (


Occasional Publications

The Society has discontinued the series of Records Volumes. Records in the strict sense can make dull reading, and are more conveniently accessed, and searched, online (See Online Publications below). However, the society is always interested to hear from authors who have new ideas for books that fall within the remit of the Society. Local historians who have researched a topic of any kind are very welcome to suggest these for publication.  Help and advice is available from the publications committee for anyone who has a possible book in mind.





2023 Georgian Banbury Barrie Trinder 978-1-908738-44-8 


Online Publications

This is a new venture for the Society, aiming to take advantage of the searchability of documents housed on our website.




  (Work in progress. Please try it, and send website your comments)  
OP1 London Apprentices in 16th - 18th centuries from Banbury and surrounding areas – Introduction Helen Forde
OP1.1 Apprentices from the 'Banbury Area' indentured in London in the period 1600-1800 – (Data as a giant table on your screen.) J. S.W. Gibson, Cliff Webb & Helen Forde
OP1.2 Apprentices from the 'Banbury Area' indentured in London in the period 1600-1800 – (Data as an excel spreadsheet downloaded to the "Downloads" folder of your computer.) J. S.W. Gibson, Cliff Webb & Helen Forde
OP2 The Banbury Star Cyclists’ Club Roger Gollicker, Paul Dean & George Hughes
OP3  Banbury Street Names BHS-StreetNames sub-committee


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