Banbury Street Names – OnlPub 3

Many of the older streets in Banbury have names that are quaint, obscure in origin, are evocative of the past, and raise question. Many roads have changed their names over the centuries. These older names are recorded in several document some of which are available online (see Refs. below), even if those documents are not always to hand. But there are many newer roads in the town, named of necessity, that are not on any published compilation, and where the names may never have been explained in print, and where their origins might get lost.

In 2021, Sir Tony Baldry contacted Banbury Historical Society with the idea of preparing a booklet of Banbury Street Names. A small group met with him to discuss recording some of the more recent street names in Banbury.  A booklet of Banbury Street Names may eventually be produced, but in the meantime what better way is there of making the information available than putting the list on the BHS website, where additional information can always be added? 

The following table has been compiled using the printed and online sources cited below, together with recent oral communications.  Any additions or corrections would be welcome and should be directed to the editor of the website (


* Beesley – Beesley, A. (1841)  A History of Banbury
* Harvey – Harvey, P.D.A.(1969), Historic Towns Atlas, Vol. 1, which refers to early mss. sources in The Queen’s College (1225) and the Bodleian (1445); available online at:
* BHO – Victoria County History Vol. 10, available online at

 Banbury Street and Road Names

Street Name

Earliest recorded date, origin/meaning, subsequent name

Printed Source

Amos Court  Jack Amos: Mayor 1964  
Back Lane Previously Castle Orchard Lane, subsequently Castle Street West  Beesley, BHO
Barkhill Street   1441; variously Birchley Street/ Brickley Street/ Breechlesse Street. Beesley, BHO
Beast Market   1549 Beesley, 
Beatrice Drive  Beatrice Gillett, Mayor 1926  
Beesley Road Alfred Beesley, author of A History of Banbury  
Blackwell Drive (Bodicote)  Fred Blackwell, Councillor for 45 years and Honorary Alderman (?-2017)  
Boxhedge Lane  17th century BHO
Braithwaite Close ? Richard Braithwaite (1588-1673) poet and Civil War royalist; ? WC Braithwaite (1862-1922) Quaker historian, lived Banbury; ? RB Braithwaite (1900-1990) philosopher, son of WCB  
Breadcross Street 1616; variously Bolting Street/Sheep Street. Beesley, p 160
Bread Cross 1549 Harvey, p 3
Bridge Street 1441; variously Bridge-end Street/Bridge North/Bridge South/Bridge Street North, Bridge Street South  Beesley, p 213
Broad Lane  1441; variously Broad Street  Harvey, p 3
Bull Bar Street 1351; Previously West Bar/Shokersford Bar/Sugarford Bar/Sugar Bar.  1653, renamed after the Bull Inn.  Beesley, p 207 BHO
Butchers Row 1441 BHO
Cattle Market First mentioned 1319 Harvey, p 3
Cheney Road, Grimsbury One of the Cheney printers/John Cheney, Mayor 1936  
Church Lane 1431 Previously Pybyllane/Paternoster Lane   BHO
Church Passage  previously Tink-a-tank   Beesley, p 276
Colebar Street, leading to Cole Bar 1441; Probably destroyed in fire of 1628, presently Broad Street   Beesley, p 208
Cope Road Baronets of Hanwell and MPs for Banbury  
Cornhill 1441 Beesley, p 275; BHO
 Cornmarket Street  1606  Beesley, p 252
 Cromwell Road  Oliver Cromwell’s connection with the town  
 Crosspodell Hill  15th C  Harvey, Medieval Street names map
Dashwood Road/Terrace Dashwood family owned Calthorpe manor  
Deacon Way ? John Arthur Deacon, Mayor 1942  
Denchfield Road ? William Denchfield Mayor 1891, farmers in Easington  
Edmunds Road Brewers; William Edmunds mayor 1886-8 and 1889  
Ermont Way Commune in northern suburbs of Paris. Twinned with Banbury in 1982  
Fairfax Close Arthur Fairfax mayor of Banbury 1897, 1905.   
Fiennes Road, Bretch Hill Fiennes family, local landowners; possibly Hon Eustace Fiennes MP  
Fish Shambles 1549 Beesley, p 212
Fish Street 1688; variously New Land; post 1835 part of Scalding Lane Beesley, p 274
Flexchepinge 1549 Beesley, p 212
Friswell Road Jack Padbury Friswell, DL, Mayor 1960, alderman  
George Parish Road Mayor 1995, TU leader, hospital campaigner  
George Street (formerly Scalding Lane/Fish Street) ? Renamed after George VI (as also Jubilee Terrace and Windsor Street nearby)  
Gibbs Road ? Helen Gibbs, mayor 1986-7  
Gillett Road Banbury bankers/Sarah Beatrice Gillett, Mayor  
Gropecunt Lane 1333; subsequently (1410) Parsons Lane BHO
Guler Street 1441; subsequently Sheep Street which later became High Street  BHO, Harvey, Medieval Street names map
Hampden Close Civil War John Hampden  
Hennef Way Town in Germany, twinned with Banbury in 1981  
High Street 1441; previously Red Lion Street 1606 Beesley, p 251,BHO
Higham Way Rosemarie Higham Mayor, 2003-4  
Hightown Road Known as Bath Road before 1880  
Hilton Road Sidney Hilton Borough surveyor and engineer.  1930s. Planned 1/3 of Banbury.  Previously known as Coach Road  
Hogmarket 1603 Beesley, 251
Horse Market 1441; variously Horse Fair/Horsemarket Street  (central part of N/S road from 1525) Harvey, p 3
Kimberley Villas, Britannia Road Terrace named after builders whose yard it once occupied, heavily involved with building Bretch Hill  
Lamb’s Crescent ? Rev Matthew Lamb Mayor 1772  
Lidsey Road WJR Lidsey, farmer, alderman, mayor 1922. Sold land for Northern Aluminium Company 1930  
Market Place 1170/1172 Harvey, p 2, BHO
Mascord Road Alderman WG Mascord (1888-1961) Mayor 1929, 1943, 1945  
Mawle Court Sidney Joseph Mawle, ironmonger Mayor 1920  
Mewburn Road William Mewburn, Wesleyan philanthropist and financier, 1817-1900  
Mill Lane 1441; variously Myllane/Mylne Lane/Mill Street  BHO
Miller Road Alderman Raymond Bernard Miller, company secretary to Hunt Edmunds Brewery; mayor 1946  
Milne Close, off Oxford Road Elsie Milne, mayor 2000-2001  
Mold Crescent, Bretch Hill Frederick Mold, Neithrop Chapel superintendent, Mayor 1930  
North Bar First recorded 1268 Harvey, p 4
North Bar Street 1441 Harvey, p 3, BHO
Orchard Way ? named after WS and EW Orchard, Banbury builders, see Cake & Cockhorse, vol 23  
Padbury Drive Middle name of Jack Friswell  
Parsons Lane Formerly Gropecunt Lane, recorded 1333 Hampshire Record Office 43 M. 48/19, 38.
Pepull Lane/Pibble Lane 1534; formerly Paternoster Lane, currently Church Lane.   Beesley, p 201
Reid Close Ernest Owen Reid, Town Clerk 1940s  
St John’s Street 1441; variously Oxford Bar Street, South Bar Street, High Street, until early 16th century;  Harvey, p 3; BHO
 Samuelson Court, Britannia Road  Sir Bernhard Samuelson, MP, Bt. Engineer and industrialist 1820-1905  
 Scalding Street/Lane   1441; subsequently George Street  Harvey, p 3
 Shokersford Bar    Harvey, medieval map
Sheep Market 1441

Harvey; BHO

Sheep St 1441; subsequently High Street Harvey, p 3
Softwater Yard Alley off Butcher’s Row Harvey, map c 1800
South Bar First recorded 1268 Harvey, p 4
Stanbridge Close and House John Stanbridge, educationalist (1463-1510)  
Stroud Close Local farmer, Manor Farm, Manor Road Grimsbury  
Timms Road Walter Timms, builder d 1978  
Tony Humphries Road Councillor Tony Humphries (1943-2007)  
Tramway Samuelson’s industrial tramway  
Usher Drive Ethel Usher, entrepreneur, wrestling and boxer promoter, proprietor of the Winter Gardens 1960s, 1970s  
Webb close ? Thomas Webb, mayor 1607? John Webb, mayor 1642, 1659/Henry Richard Webb Mayor 1907, 1912   
West Street 1441 Harvey, p 3
Wheatley Close ? Thomas Whately/Wheatley mayor 1611? William Wheatley, mayor 1667? Richard Wheatley, mayor 1683? Nathaniel Wheatley, Mayor 1688? Richard Wheatley, mayor 1697, 1705?  


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