Cake & Cockhorse Volume 9

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Volume 9 - Autumn 1982 - Summer 1985
Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7 Issue 8
Issue 9
There is no Complete Index to Names, Places and Subjects - Volume 9


Title Author Page
09-01-002 Hook Norton: Buildings and History: A brief history from Saxon times to date Reg Dand 2
09-01-007 A Hook Norton Family: The Calcott family and inventory of 1682, with illustrations Sue Coltman 7
09-01-014 The Hook Norton Ironstone Companies: A description of four companies and their quarries, Roger Gorton 14
09-01-023 ‘From Our Own Correspondent’: Headlines from the Banbury Guardianconcerning Hook Norton Fred Beale 23
09-01-027 Village Dissenters: The Hook Norton Baptist Chapel and its Chapelyard Kate Tiller 27
09-01-032 Some Field Names in the parish of Hook Norton.  Percy Hackling 32
09-02-038 Inventory of the Goods of Nathaniel Fiennes, d. 1669   38
09-02-049 High Days and Holidays in Hook Norton: How people conducted their free time B.T.V. (before television) Alan Sibson 49
09-02-052 Pudding Time in Oxfordshire in 1823: George IV visits Oxfordshire Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson 52
09-03-067 The Village Schoolmaster, 1866-1882: Mr Etchells’ time at Hook Norton School Don Amphlett 67
09-03-074 Tradesmen of Hook Norton in the Nineteenth Century: Documenting village tradesmen and sources of information Mary Sumner 74
09-03-067 The Halls of Hook Norton: Carpenters, wheelwrights and wellsinkers Gill White and Jean Williams 79
09-03-086 John Plumb of Shenington, husbandman: excerpts from his account book, 1772-1792 Nan Clifton 86
09-03-089 Burton Dassett and the last Lady Say D.E.M.Fiennes 89
09-04-098 Mischief, Pranks and Spare Time: Aspects of the leisure of Edwardian village youth Michael Pickering 98
09-04-112 Mary Dew (1845-1936) of Lower Heyford: A model Victorian teacher Pamela Horn 112
09-05-130 ‘De Arte Venandi cum Auibus’: A history of the art of falconry R.J. Ivens 130
09-05-139 The Old Vicarage, Horsefair, Banbury: The building and its history described Barbara Adkins 139
09-05-143 The Will of Nathaniel Fiennes (1608-1669) D.E.M. Fiennes 143
09-05-148 North Oxfordshire Parish Registers and Modern Transcripts: A list of registers, the dates covered and the places where the originals and transcripts are deposited Colin G. Harris 148
09-06-158 From Daguerrotype to Dry Plate: The growth of professional photography in Banbury Sarah Gosling 158
09-06-165 Canons Ashby: A Civil War skirmish J. Portergill 165
09-06-166 Cofferer Cope and the Copes of Canons Ashby Clare Jakeman 166
09-06-168 Taxpayers in Restoration Banbury: The taxes, the taxpayers and their houses described together with lists for 1661, 1662, 1663, 1665, including Neithrop, Grimsbury and Nethercote J.S.W. Gibson 168
09-07-194 Hedge Dating on the Broughton Estate Gillian Beeston 194
09-07-201 A Report of the Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit Tim Allen 201
09-07-101 From the early Banbury Guardian Penelope Renold 202
09-07-205 Cake & Cockhorse: ‘The First Quarter Century’: list of articles published to Summer 1984   205
09-08-222 Medieval Building Trades R.J. Ivens 222
09-08-237 The Building of Banbury Library in 1884 Malcolm Graham 237
09-08-240 The Expansion of Broughton Castle, 1550-1554 David Fiennes 240
09-08-243 From the early Banbury Guardian Penelope Renold 243
09-09-250 A Teenage Diary of the 1890s: George James Dew of Lower Heyford Pamela Horn 250
09-09-261 An Old Banbury Society [The Banbury Book Society] Ted Clark 261
09-09-263 Sarah’s Secret, or No Stone Unturned [Bodfish of Tadmarton, C18/19] Mary Bodfish 263
09-09-268 From the early Banbury Guardian Penelope Renold 268

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